Looking for ways to make your business run more efficiently? If so, consider taking advantage of document scanning processes.

For starters, document scanning can make it easier for your employees to find and retrieve information. It also conserves your space and consolidates your data. As a result, your business should see improvements in productivity and cost control.

Now, what if this method requires you to scan or convert thousands of documents? You should still be good to go—if you can avoid the following four document scanning mistakes.

1. Disregarding Retention Laws

One of the biggest reasons to scan your documents is to ensure their safety. Every organization is responsible for proper storage of their records for a specific length of time.

Unfortunately, establishing a record retention schedule can be a complex task. For starters, all states have different retention laws and guidelines. The type of content you’re retaining can also force a change in your schedule.

One way to adhere to your retention requirements is to automate the scanning process. With the right software, scanning and storing records becomes much more efficient.

2. Relying on In-House Processes

Scanning years’ worth of files in-house can be an expensive process. First, you need to invest in the right scanning equipment and maintenance. Then, you have to dedicate some real estate to your scanning processes.

Also, you may need to train your employees on how to use this equipment and categorize scanned files. Otherwise, scanning mistakes can result in lost documents and potential security risks.

You can avoid all these issues by partnering up with professionals. That way, you can spend this time on more productive endeavors.

3. Mishandling Your Labeling System

Your document labeling system is the lynchpin of your management system. If your employees can’t find documents quickly, they’re losing time better spent on important tasks.

Failing to locate key information can also create legal issues. For instance, let’s say your business gets involved in a lawsuit. If you can’t retrieve files when ordered, you could face fines and litigation.

The good news: your document scanning equipment has built-in protection against this issue. It allows you to enter a unique identifier for each file, which makes indexing them much easier. An identifier can be anything from an SSN to an employee number.

4. Not Vetting Your Provider

If you’re using a document scanning service, they must fulfill all your scanning needs. These can include storage, assistance with compliance, retention schedules, and more.

Your provider of choice should also subscribe to high industry standards. One way to verify this is to look at their commitment to privacy issues. Find a provider that networks with other organizations committed to maintaining ethical practices.

Before signing a contract, make sure that a provider is a good fit for you. This involves asking questions about their services, protocols, and practices.

How to Avoid Document Scanning Mistakes

As you can see, scanning business documents is more complicated than it may seem. If you know how to deal with the above mistakes, though, this process can give your business a competitive edge.

Want to make sure you’ll avoid all common document scanning mistakes? Allow us to scan or digitize your documents for you! Contact us here—we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.